Thursday, June 16, 2011


Oh, hello!

Welcome to my fashion blog. Yes, another fashion blog. How many hundreds of fashion blogs must there be out there? Too many I'm sure. So why should you read mine? What makes mine anymore special or different?

To be honest, I'm not sure. the answer! I'm just a girl who loves to blog, who loves clothes and accessories and who loves a good deal. So, I want to share my love of these things with others. I'm pretty much an "average Jane" honestly when it comes to my life. I'm trying to become more fashionable though and this is one way that I can accomplish that.

I have been inspired by other fashion blogs I've read and I am not setting out to copy them at all. I have included their links at the right - seriously these ladies are much more professional than I am and you should definitely check them out!

Brief about me: My name is Beth, my childhood nickname was Bethie Boo, hence the blog name, playing off of Winnie the Pooh a little bit. I'm 29 years old, married five years to my high school sweetheart N. We'll call him the Pants Monkey - long story on that nickname that we'll share at a later date. We have no children, just two cats. Music is a big part of our life, we perform with a Christian music group that travels between three churches on the weekends. I work a desk job - administrative assistant in a health organization.

Brief about my style: I love to shop, I love good deals. I'm not above thrift stores or consignment shops to find things. My favorite store in fact is a consignment store called Clothes Mentor - they buy name brand clothing and sell it cheaply. So many of my finds come from there. I love purses, I will never have enough of them! I love shoes, but surprisingly have very few - I'm working on this. I'm not a "brand" snob for the most part. I do have a love of "Coach" but I am proud to say I've never paid full price for any item I own by Coach. I can find things at Target and Old Navy just as easily as a higher end type place. I do "dress up" for work.

Other than that, we'll get to know each other as we go along here. My goal is to keep my posts from being too long and too "wordy" and instead sharing pictures and such. I will warn now - I am not a professional photographer - though I have good friends who are, they aren't always around to just snap pictures of me! I will work at improving my pictures as we go, I've been reading tips and such and will hopefully get better very soon!

The only people I've told about this blog in real life are the Pants Monkey and my mother, whom I shop with most often, though she doesn't go on the computer ever and will likely never see my posts. I'm not ashamed to share this with real life peeps and if any of them find me, well, hello to you! But, I like the anonymity of this too, so therefore I'm not publicizing it to all of them at this time, that could always change. Besides, I have a friends/family type blog anyway. I'm really just doing this for myself to become more stylish and document my favorite looks and share when I find a great deal somewhere. Anyone reading along will be icing on the cake!

So welcome and check back often, I'll be writing several times a week. I can't promise daily just yet, but it will still be pretty frequent!


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