It's Friday! Hurray! And this week's Fashion Beauty Friend Friday is veering away from the fashion world for a fun post on books! I love reading, so this is a fun topic for me! And I sort of dressed for it today - my t-shirt that you can't see real well due to the sweater has butterflies on it. Which makes me think of the theme song to Reading Rainbow (I'm an 80's kid if you can't tell) - "butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high, take a look it's in a book a reading rainbow!"
My Five Favorite Books of all time:
1. Summer Sisters by Judy Blume - I read this book religiously every summer and have done so since I bought my copy when I was about 18. I don't know what it is about it, but I love the nostalgia and the magic of the summers these girls spent coming of age on Martha's Vineyard. It's the Judy we all grew up with but for adults and I will never get tired of this book.
2. Winnie the Pooh - A.A. Milne - well given that I named my blog after Winnie the Pooh is it a surprise? This classic book will always hold a special place in my heart. It is so sweet and innocent and brings a smile to my face every time I read it.
3. Where the Heart Is - Billie Lets - I know it was made into a movie, but I much prefer the book. It seems on first glance it could be pure fluff, but it really is a lovely story about perseverance, love, and spirit. I read this one every couple of years.
4. My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult - I love so many Jodi books it is hard to pick just one, but I chose her most famous one because it was the first one I ever read. I like that each chapter is in a different character's voice and I love that it keeps you guessing with twists and turns right up to the shocking ending. (Side note - the movie does not follow the book ending at all and I was super disappointed!)
5. Patty Jane's House of Curl - Lorna Landvik - I adore this author because she writes her books set in the northwoods of Minnesota, which is my favorite part of the state! This one is my favorite because of the time period it's set and it's an all around good read.
Five Books I've read recently and loved:
1. The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins - wow, I had heard so much about this book and I was not disappointed when I finally got a chance to read it. I finished it in less than a week and had to order the next on in the series right away, it was that good. I'm anxious for next year's movie as well.
2. The Help - Kathryn Stockett - another one that I had heard so much about and after seeing movie previews this summer decided I needed to read it before I saw the movie. I could not put this book down, it's a long read, but it is very good and very eye opening about life in the 60's in the south, especially for the maids.
3. Two Kisses for Maddy - Matt Logelin - if you haven't followed his story via his blog found here, you are missing an incredible story of a father/widow's love. He wrote a book about his life in the first year after his wife died and how it was raising their baby daughter and it's incredible. Definitely worth checking out.
4. High on Arrival - Mackenzie Phillips - her words, her story. Whether you believe the things she has said about her father John or not, her story, while sad, is very engaging and definitely worth a read I think.
5. Handle With Care - Jodi Picoult - in true Jodi fashion she keeps you guessing right up to the end and also raises some interesting questions in this book - especially on birth defects and the debate of "what would you do if you knew while you were pregnant that your child will be born with problems." Very interesting and good read.
To read other book suggestions, for more information on Friend Friday or to join up, visit Katy at Modly Chic. Now on to today's outfit!
Looks like I'm ready for story time!
Ack I need a hair cut!!
Hopefully getting a hair cut after work today - I hope to post some pictures as it might be a drastic change this time! We'll see how things go! Happy weekend!
Outfit rundown:
T-shirt - Shlomo thrifted from Clothes Mentor
Sweater - Aeropostale
Jeans - LOFT thrifted from Clothes Mentor
Necklace, earrings and bracelet - Stella and Dot
Shoes - Naturalizer handed down from mom