Happy Friday! I assure you no one died and I didn't flash forward to the day after Thanksgiving or anything. Sometimes I struggle with what to wear on Fridays. I love that I can wear jeans, but I struggle with coming up with outfits that aren't boring and still are nice enough for work. So even though I'm on a color kick right now, I decided to go with this basic black shirt I bought last summer. I thought I'd end up not being terribly excited by the results, but looking at these pictures, I actually really do like this. I'm sure the accessories help a ton. I also think that it's ok to go basic black every now and again too.
Man I was tireddddd this morning when I was taking my pictures. My boss thought it would be funny yesterday to switch our regular coffee to decaf without informing me of such first. And I didn't realize it would be that huge of a deal until about halfway through the day, I could barely keep my eyes open. I have this delicate balance when it comes to caffeine too - I pretty much want one cup of coffee in the morning. I will occasionally freshen up that one cup so it ends up being more like 1 1/2 but really that is all I need. And I have to pretty much stop drinking caffeine after noon if I have any hope of falling asleep at a decent time. So, when I was falling asleep yesterday afternoon, I powered through without the caffeine. By the time I woke up this morning I was super groggy and had that lovely withdrawal headache. I stopped at my favorite coffee shop this morning and it was instant relief. I'm a human again!
Gearing up for a somewhat busy weekend. I have a happy hour after work today, then rehearsal with my music group. Tomorrow we have another golf lesson and a church gig with our music group and then hopefully Mr. Monkey and I can grab some dinner out somewhere. Sunday we are attempting to spend time with both of our mom's - doing breakfast with mine and a afternoon barbecue with his family. So it'll be a little packed, but family is important and celebrating our mommas are important too!
Do you all have exciting weekend plans? Happy Friday and Happy weekend everyone!
Outfit rundown:
T-shirt and jeans - Maurices
Shoes - DSW
Necklace - Stella and Dot
Earrings - Butterfly Boutique
Bracelet - Charming Charlie