Friday, May 4, 2012

Color infusion

I've been obsessed with color all of a sudden.  I don't know why.  I suppose it is spring getting under my skin.  I can't get enough of orange and peach tones specifically.  There's only one problem with my recent color obsession - my closet is full of a lot of neutrals. I didn't really realize it until recently. It's mostly in the "tops" department.  I just don't want to get bored this summer, so I think I'll be looking for some colorful additions to perk things up a bit in my closet.  I did manage to pull something pretty darn colorful and cheery today however!

Today is a day I would totally play hooky if I could.  It's not quite as warm as yesterday, but that's ok with me.  I'm not a hot weather loving kind of girl.  It's nice and sunny and comfortable and I'd love to be at home on my deck with my laptop and a book.  Speaking of, I was asked how I'm liking my new laptop.  I am not liking my new laptop - I am LOVING it.  I don't know how I lived without it, for real.  I'm feeling the pinch from buying it just a little, but it was so worth it.

The Pants Monkey and I have our first golf lesson this weekend.  We do both know how to play, but signed up for some intermediate lessons to try and improve a bit.  So as long as it's not raining tomorrow, we'll have a one hour lesson. I'm looking forward to it.  I am not looking to win the LPGA or anything but I would like to feel a bit more confident in my game when I'm out on the course!  No other major plans for the weekend which is nice.  I am hoping to make it to the Mighty Swell Vintage sale going on this weekend and maybe a little thrift shopping too.  We will see how things are going.

This next picture I look pissed in. I assure you I was not, I got distracted by something and then turned back right when the flash went and it caught me off guard.

But it is a good picture otherwise!  I promise this isn't ANOTHER new bag.  I have had this bag for several years now and thought it would be cute with my outfit.  I'm getting into the dangerous habit I get into in the summer of wanting to match my bag to my outfit.  I am going to try NOT to do that this year, but today, I couldn't help myself.  I need to let the thrift store bag I shared earlier this week air out, it still doesn't smell that great.  I did get some good suggestions though, so hopefully I'll freshen it up a bit!

Oh before I forget, I was asked how yesterday went with the shoes I wore all day.  My feet were a little sore by day's end, but it wasn't horrible. And with that, I bid you adieu.  Have a fantastic weekend!

Outfit rundown:
Tank top - Tribal (from cousin)
Sweater - New York and Company (old)
Jeans - LOFT (thrifted)
Sandals - Italian Shoemaker via DSW
Necklace - jerseymaids via Etsy (gift from a friend)
Earrings and bracelet - Stella and Dot
Bag - Lillian's Shoppes