Monday, July 9, 2012

Inspiration Monday - Nailed it

Happy Monday friends!  I was so excited about this week's Inspiration Monday choice.  I knew I had the perfect outfit, plus we just started watching Modern Family, so I adore Sofia Vergara right now.  Plus, I still can't get enough orange, so this was perfect.  And I don't want to toot my own horn too much or anything, but I feel like I nailed this one pretty well.

I decided to try out this fun purse I got at the Cliche sale, because yes, I still have a purse addiction problem.  Anyway, it's a nice fun summer purse, but the problem is, it's not going to be suited to everyday use.  I don't think I carry all that much in my bag, as I shared back a few weeks ago, but apparently I have enough that it doesn't quite all fit in this little guy.  So I think he'll be downgraded to a "going out only" type purse.  Oh well, at least it was cheap!

We had a pretty full weekend.  We got a ton of errands run, we did a church service with our music group and we celebrated my sister-in-law's birthday.  And somewhere in there we managed to have a lunch out just for Mr. Monkey and myself and we sat outside since the heatwave FINALLY broke.  Sitting outside on a nice day drinking beer with my Pants Monkey is my favorite.

We also went shopping to get the Pants Monkey some new clothes.  I'm very proud of him, he's been controlling his diet for a few months and has dropped about 25 pounds.  So, he needed some shirts to fit as well as a new belt.  Since we had to get a present for his sister anyway, we picked up a few things for him.  He's looking quite dapper if I do say so myself!  I'll have to get another picture of him to share.

And that's about it.  After what was probably one of our busiest stretches of summer we have a couple of weeks of calmer days and I'm planning to enjoy them.  I just hope the extreme heat stays away, but that isn't sounding terribly likely.  So it goes!

Please head over to the two birds blog to check out more Inspiration Monday looks.

Outfit rundown:
Shirt - Thrifted
Pants - Maurices
Necklace - Charming Charlie
Bracelets - Stella and Dot and thrifted
Bag - Cliche Mpls
Sunnies - Old Navy
Sandals - Merona, Target