Friday, July 13, 2012


So after a week of pretty fun and inspired outfits, today's is a little more boring.  It's Friday and I just didn't want to think too hard today, what can I say?  It was also totally raining while I was attempting to take pictures today.  Even though the sun was kind of out too.  Very odd.  You can even see a water spot in the below picture!  Keeping it real, friends.

I feel the week actually went by rather fast.  I have zero complaints about that of course!  This weekend I have many sales to look forward to as I mentioned before.  Tonight we're going on a double date with my parents.  Cute right?  And Sunday the Pants Monkey is going to a class on all grain beer brewing, so I'll have the house to myself and I'm thinking I need to check in on my closet and re-organize a bit and kind of do a mid-point summer clothes overhaul.

Of course, what will really happen is I'll have good intentions of working on my closet, but I'll end up lazy and watching chick flicks all afternoon!  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Outfit rundown:
Shirt - LOFT, thrifted
Jeans - Old Navy
Shoes - Anne Klein, from cousin
Bracelets - thrifted and Stella and Dot
Necklace - b. (a resale shop)