This is not to say we get drunk every night though! We just appreciate a good bottle or can of craft beer. We like to try different and interesting flavors and we sometimes pair it with meals.
My favorite beers are MN beers Summit and Surly - I'm sure I'm biased because I live here and these beers are on tap like everywhere. I have also really enjoyed Dogfish Head, though we cannot get that here locally and also there are a few from Sierra Nevada I've liked, Schafly from St. Louis was good, and yeah, my favorite probably changes depending on the moment!
So there you have it. There is a specialty craft beer store in MN called the Four Firkins that we like to go and make our own six packs so we can try some different things, not to mention our liquor store of choice has quite a bit of fun craft beer in stock too, so we have slowly been collecting some. When we went to St. Louis last summer we specifically sought out beer we knew we wouldn't be able to buy here and brought it home. Stuff like that. It's fun. We like a good bottle of wine or scotch too, but apparently not enough to make a cellar out of them! Yay beer! Prost!