Aww, Monday again? How did it get here so quickly? I'm going to be running the weekend through my head on replay over and over because it was spectacular. Taking the sting off of Monday as usual is Inspiration Monday and today we have Ashley Madekwe - once again I have no idea who she is. But she's got a cute outfit!
I decided to make it work appropriate, so no jeans, but I kind of went after her peplum look and a little bit of sparkle in my jewelry. And yep, pictures at the office again. I think this may be my new fall/winter spot for awhile. We'll see how it goes.
So I'm sure you're all on the edge of your seats wondering where secret date night ended up taking us. I realized I didn't share about that in my post from yesterday. Well it may not seem like a big deal to some of you, especially anyone reading who lives in a coastal town that can have fresh, good quality seafood whenever they want, but we went to Red Lobster for dinner. I had commented to the Pants Monkey a few weeks ago that we hadn't been there in awhile, so he treated us to that for dinner on Friday. And then after dinner we went on a wild goose chase looking for a specific kind of dark chocolate, because we decided for dessert that dark chocolate and scotch would be lovely. But everywhere we went the specific one we wanted was sold out because apparently there was a run on Lindt dark chocolate bars or something. We finally found some at a drugstore of all places. It was kind of fun running around from store to store though, we were being silly and carefree and I loved it. Then we went home and watched Red State, written and directed by Kevin Smith whom we are big fans of and he said it would be a horror movie - it's not really horror. It's definitely creepy and maybe more of a psychological thriller, but horror? Not as much. Anyway, overall it was a good date night!
So after we had two days in a row of crazy fun times, we opted to be pretty lazy on our Sunday. I worked on laundry and blog stuff. Still, I'd love to just hit repeat and do the weekend all over again. But alas, we press on!
As with every Monday, make sure you head over to two birds for more Inspiration Monday looks!
Jacket - unknown, via Clothes Mentor
Shirt - St. John's Bay, JCPenney
Pants - Style and Co, Macy's
Shoes - Sonoma, Kohls (old)
Necklace - S&D
Earrings - Butterfly Boutique