Monday, November 12, 2012

Two for one

Happy Monday friends!  I'm going to do my best to combine two challenges in one post today, instead of separating into two outfit posts.  So, this is a picture heavy post, I'll try to keep it less wordy.

First up, two birds' Inspiration Monday.  We have Elizabeth Hurley today.  Has she been in anything recently?  I am embarrassed to admit I don't think I've seen her in anything since the original Austin Powers!

Anyway, her chic travel look here made for a great casual Friday outfit for me this past Friday.  I did not choose to wear a scarf and chose boots instead of heels, otherwise I think I nailed her look pretty well.

 Blazer - Bill Blass, thrifted
T-shirt - Express, thrifted
Jeans - LOFT, thrifted
Boots - Target
Necklace - S&D
Bag - Coach, consignment

It was somewhat warm on Friday, so I barely needed a jacket since I had on the blazer.  I had high hopes that maybe Mr. Monkey and I would hit up a taproom or something in the evening, but then he ended up having to work late, so this outfit was abandoned on Friday night in favor of p.j's fairly early on!  Anyway, be sure to head over to two birds for more Inspiration Monday outfits.

Now onto the Fall Color Challenge day one!  Today's color is teal.  I used to have more teal in my closet and it's a color I've always loved on me - but I ended up getting rid of a bunch of stuff I had in the last couple of years because they had worn out or didn't fit anymore.  So when I saw teal on the list I panicked a little and then did what any good fashion blogger does - ignored my shopping ban and went to the Goodwill!  I found this Target Stock sweater and my problem was solved!

I added my fun necklace from CC and then also discovered that my current cell phone cover is a shade of teal as well - so I threw that in for fun too!

 Sweater - thrifted Target stock
T-shirt - Decree, JCPenney
Necklace - via swap with CC
Pants - Tangents, Maurices
Shoes - Xhiliaration, Target

I'm so happy to have teal back in my closet again!  I'll have to find some more, because it really is a color I love!  Head on over to Megan Mae's blog to find the master list of participants in the Fall Color Challenge - it's always a great way to find new blogs, I have always had a great time with these challenges!  At the end of the challenge, watch Keely's blog for a wrap up!

Phew.  Told you it would be a long, full post!  If you made it this far - thank you!  And if you're new to my blog, welcome!  I hope you will stay awhile!