So, I'll get it out of the way right away today - it's freaking cold here in Minnesota. Really freaking cold. Below zero Fahrenheit type cold. But it's also January and it is Minnesota - this is how it's supposed to be. It hasn't been for so long though, it's really hard to take! So I think there will be a fair amount of whining today - even from yours truly!
Taking the sting off of our bitter snap here is Inspiration Monday. Today's look is from Lauren Conrad who appears to be somewhere far warmer than me!
And here is my look. It's classic and I like it, you can't go wrong with a crisp button shirt and my green corduroy pants are keeping me plenty warm today! And look, I finally got a haircut. It's back to being a lot cleaner and easier to deal with, but it helps that my favorite stylist was the one who cut it this time!
Before it got really cold on Saturday, we did some couch swapping with my in-laws. Well, actually we got rid of two hideous couches that we had and then went and picked up a couch and loveseat my in-laws were getting rid of. The stuff they had was in great condition, they just wanted something different and had promised this set to the Pants Monkey a long time ago, so when they asked if we wanted it now we said sure! One of the two couches we got rid of I didn't dislike that much but the other one was awful. And both of them made my living room look like an old lady's parlor - which I guess makes sense seeing as it was the Pants Monkey's great aunt's house before it was ours and we inherited all of her furniture, but still. The stuff we now have is much more modern and very me - it's plaid!
So we were fortunate to get all of that accomplished before the winds blew in later in the day on Saturday and man, once it did, I just went into full on hibernation mode. We went to church on Saturday evening to do a Mass with our group and then after that we pretty much hunkered down for the rest of the weekend! Watched a couple of movies, did a bunch of laundry, the Pants Monkey made us a fun egg scramble thing for breakfast on Sunday and we made fajitas for dinner.
Blazer - Bill Blass, thrifted
Shirt - Mossimo, Target
Pants - Old Navy
Shoes - Mossimo, Target
Necklace - DIY by me
Getting back to the cold, I am adding a blazer to this look, as much as I like it better without - it's just too cold to not be piling on the layers! You won't be seeing me in any skirts this week I think! How's the weather where you are?
For more Inspiration Monday looks, head on over to two birds.