Monday, February 11, 2013

Inspiration Monday - G(l)eek

Happy Monday everyone!  After a little silence over my three day weekend I'm back!  It was another good weekend, I swear one of these weekends are going to be very dull and uneventful and I think I'm going to end up disappointed!  Anyway, today is Monday and for Inspiration Monday we have Dianna Agron from Glee.

I'm a gleek you guys.  I am not ashamed to admit that.  I have been watching from the beginning and I feel that it's not nearly as good now, but I still like the show.  So yeah, I'm not just a geek, I'm a gleek.  Speaking of geeks, the Pants Monkey's work had a belated holiday party on Saturday night, so I chose to wear my inspiration outfit to dinner with a bunch of geeks and their wives.  I have to thank Amanda for this sweater dress, it's not the one I bought from her, but she was nice enough to give me this one!  Wasn't that sweet of her?  And check out the Pippin photo bomb in the picture - I couldn't get her to leave the room!

Sweater dress - Banana Republic, from Amanda
Blazer - Calvin Klein, thrifted
Leggings - DSW
Boots - Old Navy
Necklace - S&D
Clutch - Coach Outlet Factory

We went to a restaurant in St. Paul that is known for having a very large beer list and also very interesting and different sorts of food.  Mr. Monkey and I split a charcuterie platter that was amazing.  It was a fun night and even better when we weren't the ones paying for everything as it's a place that can get rather spendy!

More kitty photo bomb - see the tail?

I didn't partake in too much beer though as I promised Mr. Monkey since it was his office party that I'd be his DD.  Fortunately the snow/ice storm didn't hit until yesterday too so it was a pretty smooth ride home, which I was grateful for since I dislike driving at night!

For more Inspiration Monday outfits, be sure to check out the two birds blog over here!