Hello all, welcome to Monday. Today's Inspiration Monday outfit is Charlize Theron in a pretty laid back look. It wasn't too hard to come up with something for this one! But anyway, I'm not going to talk much about my clothes today, I want to share a story instead.
The Pants Monkey and I are coming up on a fairly significant milestone I feel - while we'll have been married seven years this coming May, in March we'll celebrate 15 years together as a couple. I don't always recognize that anniversary, but this year it just feels significant. But while we made it official in March, the story really began about 15 years ago this past weekend. We both attended a birthday party for a mutual friend in high school. I actually went to that party with a different guy believe it or not, but he and I were pretty much done for at that point anyway. And there was a pool, so we all went swimming. Teenage boys being teenage boys decided it would be fun to do things like throw us girls around in the pool. My Pants Monkey approached me and asked to throw me and I was like sure, since the guy I came with wasn't even swimming. We ended up talking (and flirting) a lot that night and I knew that somehow he was going to be in my life in the near future.
Shirt - M2M, two birds garage sale
Pants and boots - Mossimo, Target
Scarf - World Market
Earrings - S&D
So anyway, flash forward back to this weekend and on Saturday night, we went to a birthday party for that very same friend. And I couldn't help but smile when I remembered that other party so many years ago. I told my friend again as I have in the past, her birthday will always be important to me because if it wasn't for her, I might not have my Pants Monkey now!
Of course there is more to the story of how we got together - but we'll get that next month, you'll just have to stay tuned!
For more Inspiration Monday outfits visit two birds over here.