Friday, April 5, 2013

Imitation = flattery

I can't take credit for my outfit today.  I saw a similar styled look on Kelley from Threads N Buttons earlier this week and decided, I think I will try that on Friday.  That is one of the things I love about blogging and the blogging community - getting inspiration from so many of you!

Super happy it's Friday.  We had a really fun date night last night, we aren't going so far as to totally give up weekend date nights, but we've decided weeknight date nights are fun every now and then too!

Button shirt - Banana Republic, thrifted
Sweater - H&M, thrifted
Jeans - Old Navy
Necklace - S&D
Shoes - Steve Madden, thrifted 

Any fun weekend plans for any of you?  Tomorrow my mom is coming over and we're doing the annual spring closet dump.  I'm so thankful she helps me with this - I'd be lost on my own!  I'll be making piles for my upcoming garage sale and for a clothing swap I'll be participating in - both events are in May, but I get the feeling they'll be here before I know it.  And speaking of my mom, it's her birthday on Sunday, so we'll be going out to celebrate!  So, it should be a fairly decent weekend!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend as well!