Friday, May 3, 2013

Red skies at night, sailor's delight

It's the last day of the Pantone spring color challenge.  It's been a fun week, I'm sad to see it's over.  Anyway today's color is poppy red, so I had no doubt in my mind that I'd be wearing my favorite red jeans.  I added this fun new nautical themed shirt from Old Navy, I tried to get a close up of the print, it has little anchors all over it, but the pictures didn't turn out, darn it!

So I've seen a few bloggers participating in a "Blog Every Day in May" challenge hosted by Story of My Life the Blog.  I missed the first two days, but I love a good challenge like this, especially when I've had some writers block as of late, so I may jump in with some of these writing prompts.  The first day was the story of my life in 250 words or less - I might do that sometime but not today.  The second day was blog about something you're good at - again, I might do that another day too.  Today is "What makes you uncomfortable."  There are probably multiple things I could think of, but I'll use a good example right now - sleeping in my bed by myself.  I do not sleep well in our bed when the Pants Monkey isn't there.  I haven't had this opportunity much in the 7 years we've been married and it's funny, if he gets up before me on a day I have off of work or something I'm fine, but to go to bed at night without him there?  It feels weird, I need the weight and the warmth from his body to fall asleep.  We're not even cuddly sleepers, so I don't even mean to sound sappy, I honestly just need the weight of him next to me, that's all.  So last night I attempted to make a substitute Pants Monkey out of pillows and blankets.  It kind of helped.  Two more nights.  I can make it!

Denim shirt and red pants - Old Navy
Long sleeve t-shirt - JCPenney
Necklace - S&D
Shoes - Liz Claiborne, from cousin 

Tonight I have some fun plans with some blogger friends for a sushi happy hour after work, so I'm looking forward to that.  I have a few other things on tap for my weekend too that should help me miss Mr. Monkey less!  If only I could make that bed more comfortable without him!

Head over to the Modern Austen for the Pantone color challenge and the Story of My Life Blog for more info on the Blog Every Day in May Challenge.