Upon getting the news I kept it together really well but as soon as I got into my car and got the Pants Monkey on the phone I totally broke down. I know it's silly, but I felt like I failed somehow and selfish as it sounds, all I could think of was all the apple pie, cookies, ice cream and other goodies I'd be missing for the next couple of months. Thankfully it was his lunch hour and I didn't have to go back to work, so we agreed to meet for lunch and of course, good hubby he is, he talked me down off the ledge. It is NOT the end of the world. I did NOT fail my body. There are plenty of foods I can have and in fact, may even still be able to have some of those goodies in moderation depending on my numbers that day. Basically we'll be counting carbs, counting portions and monitoring things every day. And it most definitely is not forever. Once you deliver the baby, the disease is gone. Christmas cookies here I come!
Shirt - OhMamma, thrifted
Jeans - Indigo Blue, thrifted
Shoes - Steve Madden, thrifted
Necklace - S&D
Even though I don't have my "official" dietary guidelines yet I did some research yesterday and did a little grocery shopping to at least get started. Today I feel much better. It's a small bump in what has been one of the easiest pregnancies ever.
And speaking of - here's a bump shot because we're 28 weeks today - and that means we're entering the third trimester. Home stretch baby! So considering that, this whole diabetic diet thing really doesn't seem so bad!
I also realized this is an entirely thrifted outfit, save for my necklace! I'm kind of excited about that. I adore this shirt I bought on the 50% off thrift store day. It was from a thrift store I thought didn't have a maternity department and was going to skip all together and then my dear friend told me she had found the maternity section in this store on a different trip, so we sought it out and I'm so glad I did! If I hadn't, I would have this adorable shirt or these awesome jeans. Any mamas to be out there - I can't say enough good things about Indigo Blue maternity jeans. I am not sure where you would normally get them, I've been lucky enough to find them at the consignment store, thrift store and Gordmans. At Gordmans they were in their Motherhood Maternity area, so I'm guessing maybe you'd get them at Motherhood regularly? At any rate - seek them out, they ROCK.
Have a great weekend everyone - thanks again for listening or well reading and for all the love and support, I so appreciate all of you! For fun, I have to share this video that has been running through my head all week - if you haven't seen it before, it's pretty funny, someone took Wilford Brimley's Diabetes commercials and turned it into a bit of a rap...yeah. You just have to see it to get it.