Monday, November 11, 2013

Inspiration Monday - Cat craziness and a request

Hello friends!  Happy Monday!  Did you all have a nice weekend?  Ours was a little busier again, but not too bad.  More on that in a moment, but here is today's Inspiration Monday look from two birds - Jessica Hart.

So I have never found a trench coat that I've ever liked.  And layering is getting to be more of a challenge for me these days, so this is kind of a loose interpretation - I kind of went for the overall color scheme more than anything else!  I'm excited to be wearing a Megan Mae obi belt today - I had been thinking, there's no way I'm going to wear them again until after I have the baby, but actually, I like how it changed up the look of this sweater and kind of accentuates the bump.

 Sweater - Motherhood, consignment
Obi belt - MMD
Leggings - Simply Vera, Kohls
Boots - Target
Necklace - S&D

So yes, our weekend was a little hectic - mostly due to the cats needing to go to the vet.  It was an interesting experience bringing them both at the same time - though the vet was nice and offered us a discount for doing that.  My Pippin cat was NOT happy about being in her carrier at all and wasn't afraid to let us know.  Taylor on the other hand just kind of resigned herself to the fact that it was happening and curled up in silence.  Thankfully the vet is five minutes from our house.  Both girls seem quite healthy, though it makes me sad that Taylor is over 7 years old so she is now considered a "senior".  She has a lot of spunk and I believe will have many more good years with us yet, it's just strange to think of her that way!

After we got them home they pretty much hid from us the rest of the day, no surprise there, but at one point before we were heading out to rehearsal with our music group, we could not find Taylor anywhere.  We called for her, looked under every bed and piece of furniture and started having a panic attack when the Pants Monkey remembered he had left the front door open for just a second when bringing in some groceries.  The cats have never snuck out before, but there is a first time for everything.  So we frantically looked outside, kept on calling for her, then decided to do one more sweep of the house and thankfully found her under one cabinet we must have somehow missed.  She was just lethargic and out of it from her shots so she didn't hear us calling her and she wanted to be left alone.  Thankfully she was better yesterday! Never a dull moment sometimes.

One more thing before I go today - I am putting out a request for guest posts to be used when my son is born and the first few weeks I'm home with him - obviously blogging will be put on the back burner for me a little during that time, but I'd like to schedule some posts to keep things active around here.  So, if you're willing to submit a guest post for me, I'd love to have you!  Suggestions for topics include holiday shopping tips, holiday dressing tips, thrifty Christmas ideas, DIY, recipes, mom styling tips if you're a mom or even just a plain old OOTD post - I'm really not picky!  I'd like the posts by November 25th so I can start scheduling them.  I may reach out to some of you personally too, but I wanted to throw this out here for anyone to respond, I'd love to have each and every one of you!

Head on over to two birds for more Inspiration Monday posts!