Thursday, March 13, 2014

Pinned and Did It - Striped skirt

I have tons of outfit ideas pinned for my jersey black and white striped skirt.  I told my mom the other day if I could live in this skirt everyday I would.  It's so freaking comfortable and yet it's stylish and I can't get enough of it.  There will be more pin-spired looks from this skirt, I can guarantee it.  Today I chose this one.

How adorable is this chick, seriously?  Anyway, this outfit could not have been easier to put together. Sweatshirt, scarf, striped skirt, black tights, brown boots. Boom.

That's right.  I'm wearing a sweatshirt.  To work.  The scarf and the skirt make it dressy somehow.  It works.  Really.  Maybe I'm trying to convince myself too much - it does seem like a crime to be wearing something this comfy at work.

Sweatshirt and skirt - Mossimo, Target
Scarf and boots - Target

Apparently I'm also a walking ad for Target in this outfit.  Oh well, it is my home away from home after all.  I won't be surprised if Oliver's first word is "Target".  He's been there quite a bit in his short little life so far!

For more Pinned and Did It Posts, head on over to Heather's blog!