Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Bethie Bunch

One of my co-workers said "hey you're wearing the Brady Bunch pants today!"  These wild pants are reminiscent of something out of the 70's I suppose!  I still love them though!  Long time readers of this blog know how much I love plaid - and these pants!  

My co-worker is a good guy though.  Really I have a great team of folks to work with.  We're our own version of the Brady Bunch I suppose!  They make it easier for me to be at work and away from my baby, I think if I didn't have great folks to work with, it would be a lot harder.  My new boss is working out well too - he also is a dad to three little ones, so it's helpful that he understands when things come up with Ollie.

Sweater - Derek Heart, thrifted
Pants - No Boundaries, thrifted
Necklace - S&D
Bag - Lulu's

And our never ending winter continues, so today just called for a cozy sweater with my crazy pants.  I'm relieved we didn't get as much snow as they originally predicted!  Spring starts tomorrow - maybe we'll actually get a spring this year.  One can hope!  In Minnesota we have to always have hope!