Anyway, what's new with us? Not too much really, a few little things here and there. I said last week I'd let you know how Mr. Oliver came out at his doctor appointment. We had that yesterday. He's doing great - he actually hasn't grown as much as I had thought. He clocked in at just over 21 lbs and is about 28 inches long. So, his growth is slowing, but that is actually quite normal and is even a positive thing since at his sixth month checkup he was actually quite above average on weight! He's hitting his marks pretty well, we could work more on getting him to crawl and to stand up on his own, but for the most part he's healthy, happy and we're doing a great job. He got the last of his hepatitis B shots and also a flu shot which of course he didn't love, but he was actually doing pretty well later in the day.
I was nerdly excited to find my favorite Pumpkin Pie Pop Tarts back on the shelf this weekend! I had looked for them last week and my Target was SOLD OUT. How dare they?? I know I am a huge and childish geek but I seriously love these stupid things. And thanks to my GD diagnosis around this time last year I really didn't get to enjoy them last year. I plan to enjoy ALL the pumpkin and apple treats this Fall that I missed last year! Pies, cakes, muffins, breads, you name it, I will be eating it. Starting with these.
I love entering blog giveaways and I love it even more when I'm lucky enough to win something. Most of the time it's been something for me - but the latest one I was lucky enough to win was actually something for Ollie - an adorable elephant onesie from the Etsy shop Modern Necessities. The owner of the shop was a delight to work with and even offered to make me a long sleeve onesie even though it wasn't one of the options listed so that he'd be able to wear this into the winter. It's so cute, I love it!
Over the weekend we were busy with our music group for a bit, but we had a chance to do one of our favorite new activities on Saturday morning - we played some disc golf. I'll possibly do a separate post on this at some point here, but I have to say, right now it's a great activity for us, we can take Oliver in his stroller, it's free and there is a course close to our house. You can't beat that.
On Sunday morning we hit one of the flea markets we've been going to periodically this summer but were super disappointed in the goods this time. It was sort of a dual purpose trip though, one of Nate's clients offered him some fresh grown hops for making beer and she happened to live near this flea market, so we also stopped at her house to pick up the hops. I'm not sure what Nate's going to make with these hops yet, but I'm excited to find out, I love me some fresh hops! He also started a mash for a different batch of beer he was going to make and then finish last night but well, sometimes things don't go to plan with homebrew and unfortunately we had to dump the batch. He'll have to try something else maybe this weekend.
Finally, I've been doing my best to keep up with the various style challenges for the month. I liked this look I put together yesterday with a dress from the thrift store so I thought I'd share it. I joked on Instagram that I was planning to be the best dressed mom at the pediatrician.
Dress and shirt - Old Navy (thrifted), Necklace - Stella and Dot
Bag - Target, Sandals - Steve Madden (Instagram shop)
And I think that pretty much catches us up on what we've been doing lately! What's new with each of you?

That elephant onesie is awesome!. And this hair in that picture! He's adorable :)
ReplyDeleteI love all of these photos! Kyle really wants to start making his own brew, but it costs money. I am thinking we can get him started as a Christmas gift this year. I love all of the pics of Olive, what a little sweetheart!
ReplyDeleteOllie's hair is my favorite. Our neighbors grow their own hops. They are so pretty!! They plan on making their own beer with them, and I am excited to try it!
ReplyDeleteThrift dress love!!!! Cool dress! Wow, Oliver has LOADS of hair now! He is very cute!
ReplyDeleteOooh, I didn't do much blog reading last night, must have missed it- offf to look!
I don't really like poptarts- don't like burning my tongue!
I'm fine, just spent the evening creating and printing a WW1 song book for my new choir (which starts tomorrow with 43 children so far- eek!) and have got to fold, collate and staple them tonight! x
Ollie is so cute--I love all that hair. And the onesie you won is adorable. And no doubt you were the best dressed mom at the pediatrician's!