Happy Friday my friends! Is it seeming like the weeks are passing by faster and faster to anyone else now that it's Fall? It's already October next week, wow! Anyway, to close out another week I'm back with my weekly dose of gratitude.
This week I am grateful for:
A good eater - Ollie LOVES to eat. He rarely turns his nose up at anything now. His newest favorite food? Salmon. I'm not even that big of a fan of salmon!! We make pretty much all of his food from scratch and he is seriously doing so well with it. I'll do a post on how we do his food soon in case anyone is curious.
Beautiful weather - this week has been absolutely gorgeous, warm days, cool nights, pretty much everything to love about Fall in Minnesota! We're soaking up every moment with walks outside, disc golf, eating at patios and other outdoor activities while we still can!
A fresh new look - I don't know if anyone noticed in recent pictures, but I cut my hair last weekend. Yes this is a frequent occurrence for someone with my type of hair, but I changed up the look a little bit and went for more of a shaved pixie. I am loving it. So easy, light feeling, fresh.
Lunch hours with this guy - I'm so, so thankful that even though I have to work, I work close enough to my parents to spend my lunch hours with Oliver. And even if it's blurry I adore this picture my aunt took of us earlier this week. Such joy, this little boy!
New followers and friends - Thanks to the Amazon giveaway I'm part of for Carseat safety awareness with Bloggin Mamas (see original post here, it's not too late to still enter!) I have gained quite a few followers on Facebook and Twitter in the last week or so - thank you all for following along, I look forward to getting to know more of you!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

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