TIGF - Accentuate the Positive
Oh my friends. It's been a week. Between dealing with Ollie's cold, catching that cold myself, dealing with my own disappointments and just general yuck I can say it just wasn't my favorite week ever. I could sit here and dwell on all of that but instead I'm choosing to do a Things I'm Grateful For Friday post because I think it's more important to instead find the positives in my world from this week instead. So here is what I'm grateful for this week.
~Blog friends who have simply become friends. I had a wonderful time out with Megan and Nora from two birds and Erin from Babes in Thriftland the other night. We shopped, we had drinks and dinner and laughed a lot about random crazy things. Nora was sweet enough to pass down some hand me downs for Oliver. And, the best nights end with random hashtag jokes in my opinion and we had quite a few of those! They're just awesome people, end of story. Tonight I'm excited to have a chance to meet Ally from Shybiker who is coming all the way from New York. This will make the second "non local" blogger I've had the chance to meet in person. I just love how blogging can make connections all the way around the world. It's just an awesome thing. The power of the internet for good or something like that.
~My little guy being on the mend. Mommy might be suffering the cold now a bit, but thankfully Ollie is back to his chipper self. And I'm thankful that our clinic was willing to see us so late in the day on Tuesday to put our fears at ease over the high fever. I'm thankful that my work was understanding about my taking the time to stay home on Tuesday to take care of him. Most of all I'm just happy that this first illness was short lived!
~Bakery Friday. Every week my dad goes to our local bakery to pick up treats to bring to his own office, but he always swings back by my parents house to bring goodies for my mom and I. It's such a nice way to end out the week. Today he was off of work but still went to the bakery for us and added bonus, also hit up Caribou Coffee, so not only did I get to enjoy a donut, I also got a latte. You just can't complain about that!
~A husband who knows the right thing to do always. For the better part of the last 16 plus years he has known me better than I've known myself and has known just the right things to say or the right things to do. I feel bad for all he's put up with from me this week, but he never complained. Last night I thought I had lost my wedding ring and had an absolute panic attack. He just stayed calm and helped me look - and let me tell you, we were going hardcore, digging through laundry and dishes and all the other places I had been after work. We thankfully found it just on the floor of the hallway. Now, he is starting to get the cold going round our household too and really just wanted to crash, but he knew I was down and he put me above himself and made me a delightful meat and cheese plate for dinner and poured me a glass of wine because he knew it would cheer me up. I keep saying what an amazing dad he is - but he is truly an amazing husband too and I don't know what I would do without him.
So there you go. I know things will only go up from here. Nate and I will get over our colds, the disappointment from earlier this week was just something that wasn't meant to be and there will be other opportunities. The weekend actually appears to be rather calm and the weather is going to be gorgeous so maybe we'll get to go throw discs. Maybe we'll work on Halloween costumes. Or maybe we'll just sit around the house and veg all weekend and you know what? That's ok with me too! I hope you all have great weekends no matter what you're doing! Thanks for sharing in a little bit of my life.

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