The Currently link up is tomorrow, but I'll have a special post for a special boy's first birthday, so instead I'm doing my Currently post today instead! Make sure you check out Anne or Jenna's blogs tomorrow for other Currently posts as well.
--Currently I am--
Making - My menu for Ollie's birthday party on Sunday. We are having a Dr. Seuss theme to match his room. So far my menu is: Cat in the Hat Cupcakes, Green Eggs and Ham mini quiche, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Goldfish crackers, and something with roast beef to represent Roast Beast from the Grinch. I'm not the most creative or crafty mom, so I do what I can! Pinterest is my friend!
Listening - Ollie loves music and I started a Pandora channel the other day based on Raffi and I have to say, it's been on heavy rotation at our house, we're getting a great variety, lots of Raffi music yes, but also Muppets, oldies from the Beatles and did you know the Barenaked Ladies have a children's album? I love everything about this station. And now that it's December, I'm also starting to rotate Christmas music into my own mix during the work day. I haven't taken Idina Menzel's new album for a spin yet, but I'm hoping to find it on Spotify later. I also love, love, LOVE Sufjan Stevens Christmas music. And in the car I still have my new Cities 97 Sampler, I've really been enjoying it!

Wrapping - Birthday gifts for my boy! We're not going to talk about how I haven't even begun to think about Christmas shopping yet. I need to get past the party and then it's on like Donkey Kong, but until then, it's Birthday Bonanza at our house. We're giving him this pretty awesome Alphabet Riding Train that we found and some new books.
Anticipating - Well, this time of year is all about anticipation. Right now I'm mostly anticipating seeing Oliver's face when he gets his birthday presents and I'm also anxious to see Christmas through his eyes this year since he was very much a newborn at Christmas last year.
Watching - We have finished Manhattan and are almost done with Masters of Sex. We've started watching Covert Affairs again because it's on Amazon streaming for free and we've been re-watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia from the beginning again while waiting for the new season in addition to our usual faves, Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory. I also just finished the season to date of Parenthood and uffda. That was a doozy of a cliffhanger. I'm anxious to start watching some Christmas movies and also to introduce Ollie to my favorites like Charlie Brown and Muppet Family Christmas.
So there you go! What are you currently up to?

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