Wednesday night we celebrated Nate and my birthday with our families. It was a nice low key celebration, a little cake and pizza, nothing crazy. Thursday of course was Thanksgiving, I made a pie in the morning with my mom as that is our annual tradition and then we spent the afternoon and evening with Nate's parents and grandmother. It was a fun day and Ollie enjoyed all of his first Thanksgiving meal, that boy sure loves his turkey!
Friday we slept in a little bit and then after Ollie's morning nap we had a little lunch out. We otherwise kind of chilled around the house during the day and then headed back over to Nate's parents house for a Thanksgiving round two and to celebrate his dad's 65th birthday. Oliver got a little practice for his own birthday with playing with some balloons and his grandpa was nice and sent one home with him too!
Saturday we decided to take Oliver to the Children's Museum for his first visit with us. Nate's parents took him a week ago when they were babysitting and we found out the visit wasn't just to get Ollie out of the house, it was to get us a family membership as a birthday gift to us. So we figured, what better time to go try it out than a long weekend.
I got a treat on Saturday when I found out that Erin had our family photos finished. They turned out amazing, I was so excited about them! I would love to share them all here but I'll probably make you guys crazy, so here are my three favorites:
Spoiler alert, at least one or two of those pictures are on our Christmas card so if you are a friend or family member who is getting a card from us, well, sorry to ruin the surprise! And huge thanks again to Erin, these are great!!
Sunday we ran a bunch of errands and dealt with a little boy who seems to think that because he's turning one this week means he shouldn't be napping anymore. We beg to differ young man. But anyway, we still got a bunch of things done and headed to our favorite restaurant in St. Paul, Cossettas, to celebrate my dad's birthday (which is actually today). Lots of birthdays in our family over the last week or so here! I also managed to get all my Christmas decorating done save for my big tree, hoping to get to that yet this week sometime.
That brings us to today, back to the grind and into what will be as I said a bit of an exciting week (and maybe a touch bittersweet) as we'll be celebrating Oliver's first birthday. Nate and I have the day off on Wednesday to spend time as our sweet little family of three and then we'll have his party this coming weekend. I'm looking forward to all of it. It might be an Ollie heavy week on the blog here, sorry not sorry, my babe only turns one once!
And finally I thought I'd share my outfit today, this is a new outfit from my birthday, pretty much entirely from Old Navy, but I love it all. I'm so addicted to their pixie pants it's not even funny. I now have three pairs and I love them so much!
Sweater, shirt and pants - Old Navy
Scarf - DIY by me
Bag - Coach Outlet
Shoes - from friend

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