So first a bit of housekeeping - the Thrift Style Thursday gals are taking December off, we decided it's too hectic with the holiday season and that sometimes it's enough to just keep up with blogging at all, let alone a weekly thrifted outfit post. We'll be back fresh in January with some new ideas and new fun, so make sure to watch for that! And now on to today's post!
Today's post is a bit of a mishmash of things - a recap of Ollie's birthday yesterday and an outfit of the day. Cause it's my blog and I'll share a million pictures and multiple subjects if I want to!
Yesterday Nate and I were lucky enough to have the day off so we could spend the entire day as our little family of three for Ollie's first birthday. We took him to Macy's 8th Floor in Downtown Minneapolis so he could see Santa (when I was growing up, that was THE Santa, so I just really wanted to bring him to this one) and the Day in the Life of an Elf display. We went in the morning after Ollie's nap and it wasn't too busy which was nice.
He isn't tired in the above picture, the flash made him squinty. Anyway, here we are in line for Santa. It was really hard to get good pictures, it was kind of dark lighting, so we did the best we could.
A nice lady offered to take a picture of all three of us which was really nice. We only had to wait about three minutes for our turn with Santa. I'll have to scan in the picture we got of Ollie with Santa, it turned out pretty good I have to say. He wasn't afraid of him at all, he sat nice and only cried after the pictures were done because he wanted to get down.
I let him crawl around a little bit while Nate paid for the pictures and then we had to do my favorite part - stop and get a gingerbread cookie. They used to make them fresh on this floor and you'd smell them the minute you got off the elevator, but now they make them downstairs and bring them up. They're still delicious though! Ollie enjoyed it too!
We made a quick stop in the gift shop on our way out and picked out a book for Ollie to open up later so he could have one present on his actual birthday. We'll give him his other presents at the party on Sunday. While Nate was checking out we got a mommy/Ollie selfie. I should see how many of those I have from the last year and make a collage of those, ha!
I realized I hadn't gotten many good Ollie/daddy pictures so we stopped before we got on the elevator in front of some pretty trees so I could get one. Ollie's patience was wearing a bit as he was hungry for lunch, but he humored me for one more picture!
After we left Macy's we took Oliver to a restaurant we enjoy called India Palace. They do a lunch buffet which is great, we could make a plate of food and share all of it with Ollie and it gave him a chance to try lots of different things. He pretty much loved it all.
We finished that up and headed home to put him down for his afternoon nap which he thankfully took - fingers crossed the nap strike is over - and during that time I ran and got a quick haircut and then set out to put up and decorate my tree finally and I guess it was a good thing I did...I moved the tree box and saw water on the floor around our water heater. Guess what else Ollie is now getting as a birthday present? A new water heater! Hope you enjoy it kid! Seriously though, we knew this would be happening soon given the age of the heater we had. So today I get to work from home for the afternoon while our plumber installs a new one!
We didn't let that little incident put a damper on our day though. When Ollie got up from his nap we gave him his present. He wasn't sure what to do with the wrapping paper but he tried!
We gave him a soft sided book about a lion who helps his friends. It's pretty cute. And then we pretty much just played with him, ate dinner and put him to bed. It was a full and wonderful day. I look forward to his party this weekend too, but I'm glad we took a day for just us.
Today as I said I'm at work for a half day, but I liked the outfit I put together so I wanted to share it since I haven't done an outfit post in a while!
Sweater - Mossimo (Target), Pants and boots - Old Navy
Cami - Gap, Necklace - Zulily

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