Authentic Bloggers - A supportive blogging community
I am pretty thankful that so far, in the almost four years I've been blogging, that I have had pretty positive experiences. I've made wonderful friends and connections from around the world. I have had some opportunities to try and do things I may not have otherwise. For me, Blog World has pretty much always been kind. This hasn't been the case for everyone though.
There are Internet haters and Internet trolls out there. People who seek to bring other people down because it will make them feel better. Some of these people are even other bloggers. After an experience with this very problem, Krysten of the blog "Why Girls Are Weird" sought to do something about the negativity she'd encountered in blog world. She started a group for bloggers to help each other out, build each other up and support one another. And thus the Facebook group "Authentic Bloggers" was born.
I'm honored to be a member of this group of positive women and today we're looking to expand more, bring more people on board and continue the message of positivity in the blog world. If you blog and are looking for a great group of people to chat with, bounce ideas off of, ask for help from, or just get to know as friends, then the Authentic Bloggers Facebook group is the place to be. It's a wonderful and supportive community. Follow this link to request membership and I guarantee you'll be welcomed with open arms. Let's keep building each other up instead of tearing each other down.

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