It's time for my favorite link-up of the month - Currently with Jenna from Dearest Love and Anne of In Residence. Each month they pick a few prompts for bloggers to share what they're currently up to - so here is where I currently am!
-- Currently I am --
Planning - Very little right now! I wish I could say I was planning a warm weather getaway or something of that nature, but sadly, not this year. After the hectic month of celebrating birthdays and holidays and dealing with sickness in December, it's kind of nice to not be really planning anything! That said, I guess I am looking at some fun activities for Nate and I and Ollie to do the rest of the winter, so if anything, I'm planning for those. Next up I think will be another trip to our Science Museum for Oliver and possibly an outdoor winter beer festival for Nate and I (Beer Dabbler for you locals - anyone ever been?)
Hoping - That we all stay relatively healthy for the rest of the winter, that the weather warms up just a hair so we can maybe take Oliver sledding, and beyond that for happiness and peace for all my friends and family in 2015. Cheesy? Maybe, but I'm that kind of gal.
Baking - Haven't been doing much of that since before Christmas and didn't get to do as much as I wanted thanks to our illnesses. I did get a batch of ginger snaps made though which made me happy. This is the time of year I tend to like to bake cupcakes, it ends up being a fun project for a Sunday afternoon in the winter, so I might have to do that this weekend. I have been wanting to make Butterfinger cupcakes, so maybe I'll make these:
Wearing - Warm clothes! It's pretty much below zero outside, so warm layers are pretty much just necessary today. I'm also almost a walking ad for Old Navy.
Flannel and vest - Old Navy, Pants - Simply Vera (Kohls)
Shoes - from cousin
Resolving - I talked last week about my mantra for the year of letting things go. I'm really not making resolutions other than that, though I have decided this is the year I also try to live more without fear and to say yes more - funny in a way because I have a hard time saying no - but I guess I mean in that I'm going to say yes to new experiences and yes to taking chances. And I want to try super hard to live in the moment.
So there you go! What are you currently doing? Make sure to check out Anne and Jenna's blogs as well or to link up your own post!

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