Happy Friday! I'm kind of phoning it in with an outfit post today - it was a long and at times difficult week at work, so this is just the best my brain can do today. Not to mention, I'm kind of in love with everything I'm wearing today and it's funny, pretty much the entire outfit is a Target special. The only piece that isn't is the knit scarf my sister-in-law made me for my birthday!
Sweater - Mossimo (Target), Jeans - Mossimo (Target)
Scarf - handmade from SIL, Booties - Target
These jeans are my new favorite thing ever. They're made of very stretchy material and feel more like you're wearing leggings or something. But they're jeans. And they are awesome. And I think I finally found a pair that fits relatively well. The sweater was a steal, it was on clearance already and then they had a 20% off deal on Cartwheel for all women's clothes - including clearance - so this was a no brainer! Anyway, it's warm and comfy for a casual snowy Friday at work.

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