Happy Monday! It's a snowy one here in good old Minne-snow-ta. They always say we get hit with storms around basketball tournament time. And yet, when it happens, everyone still complains. I'm trying not to do that - I do choose to live here after all - yet I will say it's hard to take after we've been having nice spring weather!
Since it was snowy and gross today, I decided to dress for two birds Inspiration Monday because the look they chose this week seemed like it would work well for a yucky kind of day. This is actually a repeat outfit they chose, Nora Bird has just moved to California (sniff, we miss you here Nora!) and they both took some time off this last week from the blog to make things easier. I didn't do this look the last time they chose it though, so you'll all be seeing it for the first time here anyway! So here is Emanuelle Chriqui (again, who?? I am guessing a model? Singer? Actress? Why am I so old??)
I chose a printed t-shirt I had thrifted a couple of years ago, a nice warm sweater and basic black pants with ankle boots for my re-creation. Comfy, chic and easy on a winter day!
T-shirt - Express (thrifted), Sweater - H&M (thrifted)
Pants - Denzien (Target), Boots - Target
Necklace - Camy Couture
And of course being that it was cold and snowy outside and I didn't really have time before work, I had to do lame indoor pictures in my office today. And of course, they're a bit fuzzy. Dang you fluorescent lights! Oh well. As I always say - at least you get the general idea and well, I'm not a photographer or professional style blogger! Amateur Hour starts now. Grab a drink.
And also? Hair progress! I kind of started combing it a bit differently on Friday and realized it has grown quite a bit already. I have managed to figure out how to style it without it looking like a horrible shaggy moppy mullet right now, so hey, that's something! I'm pretty pumped about how much it's already grown, but even more excited that I don't actually hate it right now. I'm sure that won't last forever, so I'll revel in it while I can!
For more Inspiration Monday outfits head over to two birds!

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