We played outside a long time on Friday waiting for Nate to get home from work. During the week I pretty much give Ollie his dinner as soon as we get home and then Nate and I tend to eat our dinner after Ollie goes to bed, but on the weekends we're trying to make sure that we eat as a family, so I was trying to stall him as long as possible on eating dinner so we could all eat together. Outside was the best place to kill time! And of course we had to do our Friday Mom/Son selfie tradition.
We checked off one of my Spring bucket list items already over the weekend. Even though it was chilly, it was sunny on Saturday, so finally got back over to the Como Zoo. It's been awhile since we had been there. Oliver loved getting out of his stroller and running around. He's still not super interested in all the animals, though he really enjoyed the primate house and kept going up to the glass and calling some of the smaller monkeys with long tails "kitty." Before we left, we found the turtle statue. Last year at this time we visited the zoo for the first time with Ollie and just parked the stroller next to the statue. This year Nate was able to help him sit on it. "Turtle" is one of his favorite words right now thanks to a book we have, so he was pretty excited about the statue!
Saturday afternoon found us in our quest to get Nate a different car. He has something specific in mind and I think we'll be leasing, but the salesman we were working with (whom he had already met with once) was trying to swindle us we think. Nate's going to meet with a dealer his sister really likes and see if they'll give us more of the deal we're looking for and we'll go from there. Even though things didn't shake out quite how we wanted, it was a ton of fun test driving a couple of different cars. I love my car hardcore, but it will be fun to have something new, even if it will be primarily his vehicle!
On Sunday Nate made his traditional Russian Sausage with his dad that we'll be enjoying for Easter. I got a little preview taste and it was amazing. Might be the best batch they've ever made.
I'm continuing to work on Project:Organize and Project:Get Rid of Excess Crap at home. I spent some time cleaning out and organizing my makeup drawer and I tell you, sometimes it's the little things, but it's so much better than it was. I took my empty boxes from Birchbox and used those to create little compartments in my drawer. Everything has a place now and I don't have to dig through tons of stuff when I'm getting ready in the morning! I have also sold some clothes and purses I no longer was using on ThredUp. I'm pretty excited about that! Finally, I also dropped off some items of Ollie's at the Just Between Friends sale and I've been watching all weekend as stuff is selling and I am pretty pumped about how much I think we're going to yield this time. It was a lot of work getting ready for that sale, but as I learned the last time, it's so worth it.
And looking ahead on my calendar I'm really excited, I have some super fun things coming up this week including a ladies night at a brewery and a favorite things party with a bunch of other MN bloggers, so I'm looking forward to all of that!
That pretty much catches us up I think. What's new with you?

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