It's Thrift Style Thursday! Today's theme is brought to us from Martyna of Spoolish - "An Unexpected Match" - or in other words, something you bought that you weren't expecting - maybe it's not your usual size, or you found it in the men's department or children's department. I am choosing to feature the awesome dress that Megan and Nora of two birds found me at the workshop they hosted last month on Valentine's Day at Second Debut, an offshoot store of the Goodwill. This is a picture heavy post because I love this dress so hard.
I'm sure you're wondering - how is this an unexpected match? Well I'll tell you - this dress is many, MANY sizes below my normal size. Yes, I have recently figured out I am a smaller size in most clothes than I used to be, but this dress is still a much smaller number than where I currently am and I'll just leave it at that. So, if I saw this on the rack on my own, I'd likely have skipped it based on the size on the tag. But the girls insisted I try it on, so I did and I was shocked. Not only did it fit, it made me feel like a million bucks.
Then I was shocked to discover it still had it's original tags on it. And it's from Banana Republic. So let's just say that while Second Debut is not as cheap as the actual Goodwill because it's more designer and upscale brands - I still got this dress for a STEAL.
We also found these awesome shoes for me as well that were 50% off that day. So, my Valentine's Day date night outfit was born. Nate loved it of course. I also ended up wearing this dress to a wedding this last weekend, I changed up the look to be more "Mom friendly" since I had to help chase after Ollie, I added tall boots and a cardigan and it worked pretty well for that too.
So for something that I consider an "unexpected match" I actually call it a match made in heaven. I know that this dress and I will have many wonderful days yet to come as well.

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