We're off a full but rather satisfying weekend. We've been so go, go, go lately that it was nice to have time to catch up on some things we've both been needing to do and wanting to do.
Friday night Nate had to work a bit from home sadly, but it was mostly stuff he could start running off of his computer and then leave running, so he was able to enjoy a walk with Ollie and me before we put Ollie to bed. Ollie and I kept our tradition of a Friday evening mom/son selfie.

Looking at this picture you'd never guess that Ollie was actually a little under the weather. He ended up not sleeping super great Friday night, he was not only cutting his upper molars but he had a little runny/stuffy nose. Poor kid. Even though he had woke up a bunch and was a little on the cranky side on Saturday morning, we moved forward with plans we had made for the day. First we dropped off Nate's car to get some tires put on it. Then we stopped off at Caribou Coffee to fuel up for the day. After that we headed to the mall to do some walking and then stopped at Stride Rite to get Ollie some new shoes. It's hard to believe, but the nice pair I bought him right after Christmas already no longer fit! I'm pretty excited about the new shoes we bought - they have Kermit the Frog on them. I didn't force him to choose these shoes, but the minute we put them on his feet, Ollie started running all over the store rather confidently, so we knew these were a good choice!

We brought Ollie home after that so he could get a nap. Nate picked up his car and then helped his sister with some stuff for awhile and I worked on tagging items for the Just Between Friends consignment sale I'm hoping to sell some of Ollie's old stuff at this coming weekend. After Nate got back and Ollie got up, we decided to get out of the house again and get some fresh air since Saturday was a gorgeous day. We took Ollie to a park for a little bit and then out to an Italian restaurant we enjoy and haven't been to in quite some time called Donatelli's (they've been on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives before). We had a nice family dinner, Ollie loved their food!
After dinner we headed home and Ollie totally crashed, it was a good thing since he had slept so poorly on Friday night. Nate and I just opted for a couple of TV shows instead of a movie, we were both tired from Friday as well and Nate wanted to get up early on Sunday to start smoking meats in his meat smoker so we made it a pretty early evening.
While Nate smoked his meats on Sunday morning, I took Oliver to a friend's house for a play date with one of his little buddies. My friend's youngest son is just four months older than Ollie and we've tried to get them together a few times, especially now that they are older. Ollie had a blast playing with him and his older siblings too. We stayed for lunch and then went back home for Ollie's nap. Nate's dad was hanging out with him while he smoked his meat and I kept working on stuff for the sale. Later in the afternoon Nate's mom and sister also came over so they could enjoy all the smoked meat with us. We had a nice visit with them and a very delicious dinner! This was one of Nate's best attempts at meat smoking to date. Lots of leftovers too, can't beat that!
After his family left and we got Oliver off to bed we crashed with another couple of TV shows and then hit the sack ourselves. Very full, somewhat productive weekend, but a pretty good one in spite of Ollie being a little owly at times! I'm looking forward to a pretty quiet week this week and probably a slightly quieter weekend next weekend though! How was your weekend?

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