Time for one of my favorite monthly link ups - Currently with Anne of In Residence and Jenna of Gold and Bloom (formerly Dearest Love). My answers to this month's prompts are not the most exciting ever, but it's still a fun check in on things, so here we go!
--Currently I Am--
Designing - I was originally going to have nothing to answer for this one, but thanks to a blogger event I am going to be attending on Monday, I might be quickly trying to design a blog business card to print at home real quick! I've been talking about making some forever, so I guess this might be the kick in the pants I needed!
Enjoying - Spring. Duh. Next question. Ok, I'm kidding. But I really am enjoying spring so far, which if you've been reading along you pretty much already know. I was actually telling the gal who was doing my pedicure last night that I never used to like spring or even summer all that much when I was younger, but as an adult, even pre-Ollie, I have really come to appreciate it! And of course given that my child loves the outdoors I love it even more. Another thing I enjoy about spring and being able to eat outside? So much easier to clean up after my kid. Leave the mess for the birds and squirrels! I'm also enjoying seeing all the beautiful flowers popping up lately - found these lovelies at the park the other night.

Ordering - I haven't really been ordering much of anything. I have hit the thrifts here and there and I went to Target and finally bit the bullet on a pair of white jeans. Nate has been ordering a bunch of stuff for his new car so we can easily take it on our vacation, so we've been getting boxes of things for luggage and such. I'm thinking about ordering this shirt from Old Navy for Ollie though:
Elmo and selfies? This shirt was made for my kid! As for me, I could use a new pair of tennis shoes but I don't think I'll be ordering those, I'll have to go to the store in person for that!
Tasting - It's iced coffee season again baby! I made my first batch of the year over the weekend and got myself a fun new cup to take it on the go! My first batch turned out just a hair on the weak side though, so I'll have to get a darker roast for next time. I also splurged and got myself a beverage dispenser to keep it in. It looks kind of like this:
Celebrating - Coming up this weekend is Mother's Day, so we'll be celebrating that. I'm hoping to do it up kind of like we did last year, a nice brunch out with my favorite boys and then visits to our respective moms as well. And then at the end of the month we have our nine year wedding anniversary, so you can bet we'll be going out for dinner to celebrate that too!
So there you have it! That's the news from here for now! Be sure to check out Anne and Jenna's blogs for other Currently posts or to link up your own!

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