The theme this week for Thrift Style Thursday was chosen by Kristi of Delightfully Kristi - Pastels. I have no problem with pastels, but I have found lately I don't actually own a lot of them. I go for more bold and bright colors these days it seems. I'm also very fair skinned, so I tend to avoid super light shades so I don't look too washed out. Anyway, here is what I came up with, it's probably borderline pastel, but I did my best!
It's funny, while we were enjoying our anniversary dinner last night I mentioned to Nate that the theme for today was pastels and I wasn't sure what I was going to wear yet. I kind of had this skirt in the back of my head though, because while it isn't super pale, the fabric reminds me of something pastel because of how light and linen like it is. Nate said to me "how about something salmon?" To which I said "well, that's not really pastel" but I still thought it was funny because I was totally thinking about this skirt!
Shirt - Xhilaration (Thrifted), Skirt - Banana Republic (ThredUp)
Sandals - Target, Necklace - Lia Sophia
I was pretty excited about how well this cute top matches this skirt too. I just found it at the thrift store the other day and didn't even have this skirt in mind to wear it with. I actually thought I'd end up mostly wearing it with jeans or something, so this was a pleasant surprise! I thought the lighter color blue also kind of felt pastel like too.

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