Above: Patio lights at Bauhaus. Quote of the night "are the lights Instagrammable yet?"
Below: Some of the loveliest ladies you'll ever meet. Blessed to call them friends. Pic credit to Rachel (Rachel in the Cities/@rachel_six12)
Saturday was a simply gorgeous day outside. I had one requirement, we had to eat outside somewhere. I didn't care where, but it was just too nice not to. We took Ollie swimming in the morning and then ate outside a restaurant near the community center. Nate and I each enjoyed a bloody Mary, Ollie had some water and we all shared a breakfast burrito. So good.
Once we got home, Ollie took a nap and Nate and I both did some work we needed to get done. Nate re-potted all of his tomato plants and I priced out items for a garage sale I'm participating in next weekend (more on that soon). After Ollie's nap, we made some dinner and then enjoyed eating outside on our own deck. I love eating out at places with patios, but I think my favorite is my own deck. Ollie agrees.
We took Ollie to the park but it was getting pretty late and he hit a wall so we didn't stay long in favor of getting him home to bed before a complete meltdown. He went to sleep and we zoned out to kind of a mindless movie, all that fresh air wears out mom and dad just as much as the child!
Sunday was another beautiful morning, so we went to worship at the Church of the Holy Disc Golf Course. We had a nice time even though it was kind of windy and whipping our discs around every which way.
After our round we went home and cleaned up and then took Nate's parents out to brunch for their anniversary since they are celebrating that this week. We had a nice visit with them and his sister and her boyfriend.
Ollie took a nice long nap and Nate and I sat outside for a bit. When Ollie woke up we got our dinner stuff ready ahead of time and then headed to the park a little earlier - it was a good thing we did, dark, DARK, clouds moved in and we checked our phones and realized a storm was heading in. We booked it home and made it just in time. Ten minutes after we got home the sky opened up and not only rained, but hailed. A lot. Our poor tomato plants took a bit of a beating.

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