After we got home and got him off to bed, Nate built us a lovely fire in our firepit and we sat out for a couple of hours enjoying each other's company and a little of the Norseman Strawberry Rhubarb Gin that was just released - local peeps, I'm not much of a gin fan, but this stuff is amazing and makes a great gin and tonic, you should check it out!
Saturday morning Nate got up and golfed with my dad and "brother" Dave while my mom and I took Ollie on some errands with us. After Nate got back and Ollie had napped, we went to a barbecue at a friend's house, though the weather wasn't super great. Ollie still had fun chasing their puppies and causing general mayhem though!
Sunday the weather really turned sour, so we ventured over to the Children's Museum with Nate's parents for a little bit. Ollie looked for more puppies in the big doghouse, but he didn't manage to find any.
We had lunch with Nate's parents and then headed home. While Ollie napped I met up with Zhenya (Being Zhenya) and we finally purchased the items for our Gift of Thrift winner. I'm super excited about the items we're sending, I sure hope our winner likes them! I also snatched up a few things for myself since I haven't technically put myself on a shopping ban quite yet. Then I headed home and we took Ollie over the mall to walk around a bit since it was STILL raining. We had spaghetti for dinner and then got him off to bed and we zoned out to a movie.
Monday it was finally not raining, so we attempted disc golf in the morning, but holy was the park WET. Ollie thought the puddles were the best thing ever of course. We only played a few holes before I called it (it's not fun walking around in wet socks and shoes unless you've been on a water ride or something!). We dried out at home a little and then went to get me some new walking shoes before our trip next week. Then we met up with Nate's sister and her boyfriend for a quick lunch.
After Ollie's nap, it was finally nice outside again, so after a quick trip to get some stuff for dinner, he and I played outside while Nate cooked and I introduced him to the magical world of bubbles. And I think I have my newest favorite picture of him ever.

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