No Shop Summer 2015
So if you were reading my blog last year, you know that I participated in a "no shop" summer in an effort to save money, streamline my wardrobe and overall simplify my life. I had a loose goal of maybe making a part time work situation work out, but that just didn't end up working. I did still feel that it really helped me save money and it definitely helped me streamline my closet. I have done some thinking and I've decided I'm going to give it another go this summer. I'd like to save up some money for some things coming up, we want to go on a big anniversary trip next year for our 10 year wedding anniversary, I need (well ok, it's more of a "want") to replace my iPhone, and overall, I just have SO MUCH STUFF right now. I need to make that stuff work harder for me.
Starting this week as I return from vacation, through Labor Day weekend I am putting myself on a no shop for clothes and beauty supplies. This year though I will make some exceptions for some special events (Wild Ruffle pop up market I'm looking at you!) - and maybe that sounds like cheating, but I can make my own rules, lol. My overall goal is to really shop my own closet for outfits this summer - thanks to one of my generous Instagram friends and some of my thrift adventures lately, I have items I haven't even worn yet - that just needs to change. I'm also back on track with my project "use it up" on my beauty items and let me tell you, finally getting some empty bottles to recycle feels really good!
I'll celebrate the end of my shopping ban with the 50% off thrift sales for Labor Day I'm sure! Otherwise, it's on like Donkey Kong. Here we go! Wallet locking commencing now!

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