When Carissa from Carissa Knits suggested pink tones for this week's Thrift Style Thursday, I immediately thought of this skirt. It's one of my favorite thrifted items of the last year, it's comfy and fun and I just knew I'd be wearing it today!
I'm pretty much a girly girl, I will fully admit to enjoying pink. I am probably a bigger fan of darker pinks and even more salmon and peach, but I do like pink. I have talked here before about how I resisted pink for awhile, I chose a very pink room for myself when I was young and after living with that for so long I shied away from pink for quite awhile in my early 20's - but I have embraced it again, which is a good thing considering I have a VERY pink bathroom in my house!
Shirt - Old Navy (thrifted), Skirt - LOFT (thrifted)
Sandals - Target, Bag - Urban Expressions (Stitch Fix)
People were kind of teasing me when we first learned that Oliver was a boy - "you're such a girl, how will you ever raise a boy?" But honestly, I don't mind. I'm a pretty good boy mom and even if I had a daughter, I don't know that I'd be forcing pink and flowers and butterflies on her. And hey, one of Oliver's favorite characters in the world is a pink fairy named Abby, so I'm not totally missing out on that experience anyway!

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