So um. You guys. I have a confession to make. Please don't disown me! I am slightly ashamed of myself...but only slightly. Ok here's the deal - I already broke my shopping ban. I know, I made it barely two weeks? It was partially due to forgetfulness and the rest, well, lack of will power? I shall tell all.
Back in April I scheduled myself another Stitch Fix box not thinking ahead that I might go on a summer shopping ban. I knew I had the option to cancel it as I'm not doing the automatic boxes right now. But of course, brilliant me didn't write down the date it was shipping - and sometimes important emails go into our spam folder without me realizing. Suddenly I got a notice that my next box was ALREADY shipped. Oopsy?
My plan was to check out the goods and send it back figuring I'd just be out my styling fee. My last box other than my awesome bag was kind of sub-par so I figured it wouldn't be a big deal. I even sneak peeked and spoiler alerted myself to what would be coming and while you can't really see pictures by doing that, the descriptions just made the stuff coming sound kind of "eh." I'm like ok, I got this. I am totally not keeping anything I bet.
The box came. Mistake number one was opening it up. Even off hanger a couple of the things I was like, um, maybe not. Mistake number two was trying things on. I was starting to reconsider my feelings on these things. Finally, mistake number three was taking pictures and seeing how cute everything looked. Yep. Dang it. Houston, we have a problem. So in the spirit of complete and total honesty, here is my box this month and maybe you can understand my dilemma at this point!
Skies are Blue Graciella Eyelet Detail Tank/
Level 99 Marlowe Denim Short:
So my sweet stylist Amanda, who has been doing my fixes for close to a year now, just gets me. She totally gets me and that my favorite color is coral. So this top was a love - though not right away. It looked like it was going to be a miss when I looked at the material, I just thought, this isn't going to look good. But then it did. Totally my color, totally light and airy and will be awesome for a warm summer day.
The shorts were also amazing - the denim is light and breathable - I find some denim shorts to be stiff and uncomfortable but these were very light and I could see them moving well too. They are almost a little on the dressier side but I kind of like that - I wouldn't wear them to work, but on a date night or a night out with the girls. Or to my summer beer festival next month with the coral top, as suggested by Amanda!
Papermoon Anna Mixed Material Knit Top:
When I saw this top I knew I'd be breaking my shopping ban. I pinned a similar one to my Pinterest after seeing it in someone else's fix. It again is a bunch of colors I love. I loved the style ideas Amanda suggested for this one - white pants or dark shorts. Overall I had stated I wanted more color in the next fix I received, this shirt definitely fit the bill.
Market and Spruce Spencer Striped Jersey Dress:
This was the next item that made me realize I may need to break my shopping ban. AMAZING fit. Light, airy, comfy. Looks fantastic. Nate says I need more dresses. There just wasn't much of a question on it.
Pink Martini Morset Textured Cardigan:
This was the only item that gave me pause until I saw the above picture and how nice it looks with the dress. And that it could also go over the Papermoon top. And that it's lighter than my normal cardigans so it would be better for a cool summer evening or air conditioned restaurant. And it's aqua/mint. Need we say more?
The problem here is, there wasn't just one item I wanted to break the ban for. I wanted to go big or go home see - I loved enough items to want the entire box and the discount to do so was significant. I spent the whole weekend deliberating about it. I tweeted about it and got both "go for it" and "don't do it" type responses - both of which were appreciated. In the end, I chatted with Nate and we agreed, I've been working very hard at culling my wardrobe - I have six bags of clothes in my bedroom waiting to go to ThredUp and the Goodwill. I just got a decent payout from ThredUp on the last bag I sent. And, I still need things that fit as I keep finding things that don't. So, we agreed if I bought the box, that was it for the rest of the summer for sure and possibly into the Fall a little bit on clothing for me. So end verdict? I kept everything.
I realize many Stitch Fix reviews state the cost per piece and what not. I am happy to share that privately with anyone who truly wants to know, but I prefer to keep my budget and my spending away from a place the whole world can see, so that is why I don't share that information.
So there. Are you all disappointed in me? I am a little embarrassed, but at the same time, I do love each new thing I have and I know they'll all get a bunch of use. And for real, shopping ban continues from here, no further exceptions!

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