Today I'm linking up with the blog In Its Time for the monthly Circle Linkup. This month's theme is blogger introductions, so I thought it would be a good time to share a little about me and re-introduce myself, especially for any newer readers! If you've just found your way here, welcome! Here is a little more about me!
I've been married for 9 years to my high school sweetheart Nate. We have a 19 month old son named Oliver and two tuxedo cats named Taylor and Pippin. We live in a smallish house in a suburb of Northeast Minneapolis in Minnesota. I adore our city and our state, I would never want to live anywhere else! By day I'm an administrative assistant to the facilities team for a group of medical clinics.
This blog is my creative outlet, it allows me to write, to share about my life, my adventures, things I want to remember. I often tell people that for me, blogging is like creating an online scrapbook. Some of my favorite things to blog about are my adventures in parenthood and also showing how I stay fashionable as a mom - and how to do so on the cheap. I love thrifting and I do a Thrift Style Thursday post every week with a group of fashionable bloggers to show how you can keep up with trends and not break your bank! I also like to blog about places we go in our hometown and things we've had to eat. Who doesn't like to talk about food, amiright? So you will pretty much find a little bit of everything here! My blog name comes from my childhood nickname, Bethie Boo. I am going to be making a major change to that pretty soon though, so stay tuned!
Here are some other things about me:
Favorite color: It used to be purple, but now I'm all about orange.
Favorite food: So hard to pick one - I think I'd have to say anything cheese.
Favorite TV show: I'm a hardcore Friends fan from back in the day. Other favorites include It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, Orange is the New Black and Shameless.
Favorite ice cream flavor - Cookies and cream
Favorite drink - Coffee, coffee, coffee.
Favorite movie - Punch Drunk Love, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Finding Nemo, Empire Records, The Muppet Movie, anything by Wes Anderson
Guilty pleasure - eating Cocoa Krispies like dessert
Biggest Fear - Sudden loud noises, bugs that move too fast and losing a loved one
Introvert or Extrovert - Total introvert.
Something I collect - Do purses count? Also we like to collect pint glasses from breweries that we visit.
Hobbies - Baking, reading, playing disc golf, brewing beer with my husband.
Favorite social media site - Instagram
There you go! A little bit about me! If you'd like to know anything else, feel free to ask, I'm a pretty open book! Head on over to In Its Time to get acquainted with some other bloggers as well!

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